Title:  National Project Coordinator

​Requisition ID: 5464 
Grade: NOC (SB-5) 
Country: Bangladesh 
Duty Station: Dhaka 
Category: National Consultant 
Type of Job Posting: External
Employment Type: NonStaff-Regular
Contract Duration: 9 months
Application deadline: 08-April-2025, 11:59 PM (Vienna, Austria time)


Vacancy Announcement
Only nationals or permanent residents of the country of the duty station are considered eligible. 
Female candidates are encouraged to apply.



The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The mission of UNIDO, as described in the Lima Declaration adopted at the fifteenth session of the UNIDO General Conference in 2013 as well as the Abu Dhabi Declaration adopted at the eighteenth session of UNIDO General Conference in 2019, is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in Member States. The relevance of ISID as an integrated approach to all three pillars of sustainable development is recognized by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will frame United Nations and country efforts towards sustainable development. UNIDO’s mandate is fully recognized in SDG-9, which calls to “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. The relevance of ISID, however, applies in greater or lesser extent to all SDGs. Accordingly, the Organization’s programmatic focus is structured in four strategic priorities: Creating shared prosperity; Advancing economic competitiveness; Safeguarding the environment; and Strengthening knowledge and institutions.

Each of these programmatic fields of activity contains a number of individual programmes, which are implemented in a holistic manner to achieve effective outcomes and impacts through UNIDO’s four enabling functions: (i) technical cooperation; (ii) analytical and research functions and policy advisory services; (iii) normative functions and standards and quality-related activities; and (iv) convening and partnerships for knowledge transfer, networking and industrial cooperation. Such core functions are carried out in Divisions/Offices in its Headquarters, Regional Offices and Hubs and Country Offices.


This position is located under the Directorate of Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Industrial Development (TCS). The directorate, headed by a Managing Director, ensures the Organization's application of strategies and interventions for sustainable industrial development related to environment, energy, Micro, Small and Medium-Enterprises (MSMEs), and digitalization. The Directorate also oversees the Organization's normative contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through industrial policy advice and capacity development. Through coordination in-house and with Member States and industry stakeholders, it ensures that the services provided in these areas contribute to effective and appropriate technical, business and policy solutions and are focused on results, scaling up and positioning UNIDO as a leading platform for industrial development in developing countries and global fora.


This position is located under the division of Circular Economy and Green Industry (TCS/CEG) that promotes just transitions to circular economies, reduced release of pollutants into the environment and other green industrial and economic approaches to help Member States to grow economically while simultaneously addressing the three planetary crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. It promotes circular economy policies, programmes and practices including circular business models that improve the profitability of industries while creating social and environmental benefits. It does so by supporting resource efficiency increases in the manufacturing and use of products along value chains and during the life cycle of the product; by reducing or eliminating the emission of non-fuel-related greenhouse gas emissions; and by assisting in achieving the objectives of and compliance with multilateral environmental agreements. In doing so, its activities further improve competitiveness, as well as the development of and access to markets, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises. This contributes to climate-neutral, resilient, pollution-free industrial development, supporting co-existence that is in harmony with nature.


This position is located under the Circular Industrial Resource Efficiency Unit (TCS/CEG/CRE). The Circular Resource Efficiency Unit (TCS/CEG/CRE) is responsible for supporting capacity development to promote the adoption of circular and resource-efficient consumption and production patterns across value chains. It fosters circular economy solutions including policies, programmes, practices, and business models that enhance industry profitability while generating social and environmental benefits. Furthermore, it facilitates design for circularity emphasizing reduced or alternative materials inputs, greater durability, reusability, reparability, and ultimately recyclability. The Unit promotes nature-based solutions and ecosystem-based approaches that support the co- existence of industries and nature.





SAP ID 240003: EIP Light Touch Activities


The development objective of the second phase of the Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP II), which Switzerland funds through the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), is to promote circular economy approaches in industries, mitigate their climate impact, and help industrial parks adapt to the negative consequences of climate change.

The programme will achieve this by continuing to facilitate the uptake of Eco-Industrial Park approaches in scaling up resource efficiency, minimalizing waste, promoting recycling and improving economic, environmental and social performances of businesses, thereby contributing to inclusive and sustainable industrial development in a circular economy.


GEIPP is structured into two main components:

•           Component 1: Country Level Interventions

•           Component 2: Global Knowledge Management


GEIPP will deliver the expected results via four outcomes and the respective outputs under the two components as underlined in the logical framework:

As a measure to increase the effectiveness, versatility and flexibility of GEIPP, Component 2: Global Knowledge Management includes in its outcome 4 EIP Light Touch activities in supplementary SECO priority countries or countries with complementary measures not benefitting from a fully-fledged country-level intervention. This outcome is to facilitate EIP uptake in such countries through EIP awareness-raising activities, basic training on UNIDO EIP approaches and tools, gap analysis and development of the policy framework, the preliminary assessment of the capacity of institutions and service providers on EIP development or a benchmarking of industrial parks against the International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks.

Bangladesh, Cambodia, Morocco, Moldova and Tanzania are the five countries benefiting from the EIP light touch activities project.


The results and activities to be carried out in Bangladesh under the EIP light touch activities are as follows:


Output 1: Mapping of Stakeholders and elements for Policy strengthening for Eco-Industrial Parks Development

Activity 1.1: Stakeholder mapping

Activity 1.2: Awareness-raising event presenting solutions embraced by other countries

Activity 1.3: Preliminary analysis (desk study) of the EIP-related regulatory framework, including proposal development for inclusion in the government action plan

Activity 1.4: Present results in a national event (together with 2.6)


Output 2: EIP opportunities identified, and implementation started with enhanced capacity at Industrial Parks

Activity 2.1. Assessment and ranking of 10 EPZs/EZs/IPs against the international framework for EIPs: Tongi BSCIC Industrial Park-Tongi, Gazipur; Dhaka Division; BSCIC Hosiery Industrial Park, Narayangonj, Dhaka Division; Jashore BSCIC Industrial Park-Jashore, Khulna Division; Shiromoni BSCIC Industrial Park-Khulna; Khulna Division; Bagura Light Engineering Industrial Park-Bagura; Rajshahi Division; Rajshahi BSCIC Industrial Park-Rajshahi Division; Kalurghat BSCIC Industrial Park-Chattogram, Chattigram Division; Gotatikor BSCIC Industrial Park-Sylhet; Sylhet Division; Mongla EPZ; Uttara EPZ

Activity 2.2: Identify and prioritize EIP park-level opportunities in assessed EPZs/EZs/IPs

Activity 2.3: Conduct training to all interested SEZs and IPs and on the use of the EIP tools (remote)

Activity 2.4: Implement EIP Concept Planning, Master Plan review, and Additional EIP Management Services training in one assessed EPZ/EZ/IP

Activity 2.5: Reach an agreement with the government on priority parks (SEZs/IPs) to be included in a potential implementation project

Activity 2.6: Present results in a national event (together with 1.4)





Under the supervision of the Project Manager of the EIP Light Touch Activities and drawing advice from the Chief Technical Adviser, the National Project Coordinator (NPC) will oversee and coordinate the delivery of project outputs in Bangladesh, ensure close coordination with the focal points of the Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation, in Bangladesh/the ministry of industry and the national stakeholders, and ensure the timely submission of all programmatic progress reports.


The specific main tasks and deliverables are described below: 


Mains duties

Concrete / measurable outputs to be achieved

Expected duration



Guide and oversee the daily project implementation.

Capture lessons learned during project implementation. Facilitate and participate in organizing missions of national and international experts to Bangladesh.

Project progress report submitted (every quarter), including lessons learned

01 April – 31 Dec 2025


Plan, organize, participate and facilitate project internal and external meetings, workshops, events and training activities and in particular:

  • A remote on EIP awareness-raising event presenting solutions embraced by other countries (activity 1.2)
  • A remote training to all interested EPZs, EZs and IPs on the use of the EIP tools (activity 2.3)


Prepare the minutes or reports for distribution to key stakeholders.

Meeting reports and minutes.

01 April – 31 Dec 2025



Ensure smooth and regular communication with all national key stakeholders involved in the project, and particularly national counterpart, donor, industrial park management and the UNIDO field office in Dhaka.


Communications report submitted, Project Brochure developed

01 April – 31 Dec 2025



Support the EIP assessment of 10 industrial parks/zones and continuous monitoring of pilot industrial parks against the international EIP framework (under activity 2.1).

Industrial parks assessment and monitoring reports

01 April – 31 Dec 2025



Perform all other necessary project tasks as required by the Project Manager and the Chief Technical Adviser.

Consolidated report on tasks completed

01 April – 31 Dec 2025






Education: An advanced university degree (Master's or above) in environmental sciences, energy management, industrial engineering, or a related field is required.


Technical and Functional Experience:

A minimum of five (5) years of professional experience in the field of environment and a thorough knowledge of industrial development, environmental management systems, and practical implementation of RECP/TEST/EIP approaches in developing countries and economies in transition and industrial ecology is required.


Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to communicate ideas effectively are required.


Ability to communicate clearly and concisely in writing and speaking is required. Ability to work effectively in multi-cultural teams is required.


Languages: Fluency in written and spoken English and Bangla is required.





Core values:

WE LIVE AND ACT WITH INTEGRITY: work honestly, openly and impartially.

WE SHOW PROFESSIONALISM: work hard and competently in a committed and responsible manner.

WE RESPECT DIVERSITY: work together effectively, respectfully and inclusively, regardless of our differences in culture and perspective.


Key competencies:

WE FOCUS ON PEOPLE: cooperate to fully reach our potential –and this is true for our colleagues as well as our clients.

Emotional intelligence and receptiveness are vital parts of our UNIDO identity.

WE FOCUS ON RESULTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: focus on planning, organizing and managing our work effectively and efficiently. We are responsible and accountable for achieving our results and meeting our performance standards. This accountability does not end with our colleagues and supervisors, but we also owe it to those we serve and who have trusted us to contribute to a better, safer and healthier world.

WE COMMUNICATE AND EARN TRUST: communicate effectively with one another and build an environment of trust where we can all excel in our work.

WE THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX AND INNOVATE: To stay relevant, we continuously improve, support innovation, share our knowledge and skills, and learn from one another.

This appointment is limited to the specified project(s) only and does not carry any expectation of renewal.
Employees of UNIDO are expected at all times to uphold the highest standards of integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity, both at work and outside. Only persons who fully and unconditionally commit to these values should consider applying for jobs at UNIDO.

All applications must be submitted online through the Online Recruitment System. Correspondence will be undertaken only with candidates who are being considered at an advanced phase of the selection process. Selected candidate(s) may be required to disclose to the Director General the nature and scope of financial and other personal interests and assets in respect of themselves, their spouses and dependents, under the procedures established by the Director General.

Visit the UNIDO website for details on how to apply: www.unido.org

NOTE: The Director General retains the discretion to make an appointment to this post at a lower level.

Notice to applicants:
UNIDO does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. If you have received a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Vacant positions within UNIDO are advertised on the official UNIDO website. Should you have any questions concerning persons or companies claiming to be recruiting on behalf of UNIDO and requesting payment of a fee, please contact: recruitment@unido.org